Monday, August 17, 2009

Somebody Get Me a Stake, Part Two

...or "Marketing: An Idiot's Guide".

Step 1) Take a vaguely edgy photo of Angelina Jolie. Make sure to hint at that whole "she likes to fuck with knives / she's into weird blood stuff". Avoid allusions to her having sex with her brother, unless you want to be Jon Voighted.

Step 2) Apply Step 1 to teaser poster for upcoming horror comedy film, substituting Angelina Jolie for Angelina Jolie Jr (aka Megan Fox).

Step 3) Apply Step 2 to teaser artwork for HBO horror comedy drama, substituting Megan Fox for anonymous model / possibly (but doubtfully) Anna Paquin.

Congratulations. You are now a marketing genius. The end.

On a side note, Simone and I just finished watching the first season of True Blood. It was awesome. Bill Compton is just like Edward Cullen. Only he's not an over-domineering douche bag. And there's not a vampire academy in sight!


Anonymous said...

hmmm do i dare say Bill also reminded me of a certain ex-housemate of mine?

Steven said...

Afraid you're gonna have to narrow that one down, anonymous, cause I ain't followin'.

Anonymous said...

it's me Steve! Me!!! who else comments. think about it. i only had two male housemates in me last house!

Steven said...

Yeah, but how are either of them Bill Compton-y?