Monday, December 24, 2007

In Camelot

Or, more appropriately, "In Brisbane", as that's where I am, and have been for the past couple of days.

Things have changed here. A lot. Although maybe "changing" is a better word for it. Buildings have popped up all over the place, there's a tunnel being dug under the city, there's roadworks everywhere. It's craziness. It's pretty much a mad house, a mad house.

My flight was good, the family's all good, and all over I'm having a good time. Had a seafood lunch yesterday with the Lochran clan, which included the next generation (all my cousins are having kids, including my only guy cousin, who always said he'd never get married. I met his wife and two sons yesterday).

It's funny how much I consider Melbourne "home" now. Although I still say the roads and traffic in Brisbane are much, much better!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


In addition to the abnormally long silence on my blog, my mobile is out of commission at the moment. So if you're trying to ring / text me, it's not that I'm avoiding you ... I'm just a retard who typed the wrong code in too many times and accidentally fried his SIM card.

Zas iz all.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


The one thing I forgot to mention to the doctor lo those many months ago was that I seem to be affected by tinnitus. It's especially bad at night, when everything's quiet and I have nothing to focus on but the constant, high-pitched whine in my ears.

Anybody have any experience with this? Any steps to be taken for it, or is my hearing crap forevermore?

I'm Really Looking Forward To This ...

Where The Wild Things Are.

It's looking like Spike Jonze has nailed it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Had This Song Stuck In My Head ...

Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Unusual Suspects (AKA "X-O, X-O, Bitches!")

The weekend was a fairly quiet affair, with all the Christmas shopping I intended to do passed over in favour of sitting on my fat arse and watching TV.

"Inspired" by the non-stop advertising for the show on cable (more like "brainwashed by") Ben downloaded the first six or so episodes of Gossip Girl, the new series by the creator of The OC based on some horrid YA series of novels.

Everyone else in the house seemed to really enjoy it - whether that was on an ironic level or not I can't really tell - while I was almost brought to tears watching the trials and tribulations of a bunch of spoiled New York yuppie kids and their assorted Bret Easton Ellis-lite "adventures".

The most annoying aspect of the whole show is the framing device; the writings of the titular "gossip girl". Gossip Girl runs what one presumes is a blog, updating people as to what five or so teenagers from some private school are doing. That'd get, what, like six hits, tops?

Anyways, gossip girl uses her spies everywhere to inform "us", the readers of her site, what the Impossibly-Good-Looking cast are all up to.

The only really interesting aspect to this is guessing who Gossip Girl's real identity is. Having just read that the unseen narrator is voiced by Kristen Bell (from Veronica Mars / Heroes ), I think it's safe to say there'll be no building / resolution of the "Who is Gossip Girl?" mystery, which is a real shame.

But in answer to this, Li-Kim and I have decided to compile our own lists of "Who is Gossip Girl?". Li-Kim's list will be posted over at her blog, but while you're waiting for that golden nugget of comedy to drop, check out mine;

5) Alan Dale

This was Li-Kim's initial suggestion for who Gossip Girl really was, and it's one I seized on. I instantly envisioned the grand reveal, with all the cast spinning the high-back leather chair that GG is sitting in to reveal Dale's craggy visage, attired in a pink Hello Kitty! t-shirt, before he screams Gossip Girl's catchphrase of "X-O, X-O, bitches!" and disappears in an explosion of mauve smoke.

4) Chim-Chim from Speed Racer

With a new Speed Racer movie coming out, wiley monkey Chim-Chim took it upon himself to start a Dark Knight-esque viral campaign that included an entirely unrelated and completely boring teenage soap opera!

3) Amy Winehouse

She needs something to do now that she's cancelled her tour, and she'd probably appreciate being the author of tireless gossip rather than the subject of it!

2) Perez Hilton

Wanting to maintain his "celebrity blogger" status minus the venomous ire his online scrawlings generate, Perez decides to go "undercover". Watch for him in the background of key scenes, tapping notes madly into his Blackberry while wearing a wig and sunglasses so he doesn't "get made".

And in our number one spot ...

1) Doctor Doom

He's one of the greatest supervillains of all time. You'd be surprised how far his influence reaches. KNEEL BEFORE DOOM! X-O, X-O, YOU SNIVELLING PEASANTS!!

And that's that. Hopefully all this speculation hasn't earned me Gossip Girl's wrath, with her posting things like "S spotted sulking on landing outside trendy night spot, crying 'I'm going to go eat some worms!' " or some such.

Ripped from Today's Headlines

The absurdity of this made me chuckle, but your mileage may vary. From The Age's website;

"A possum-eating three-metre python is missing and possibly disoriented, its Collingwood owner told police yesterday."

Of course, this was my immediate mental image;

Current Mood:

Sad panda.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Friday Feem Tuun Time Again

Bjork, on the nature of missing someone.


Dammit dammit dammit!


"Get This" ? More Like "Get Fucked" !

My Get This saga continues!

As he'll no doubt be blogging about in full, Ben worked at the AFI awards last night, and encountered many various celebrities. At about 12.30 I was in bed trying (and failing) to get to sleep, when my phone buzzed.

Here's the message (written verbatim);

"Steve- just talked to ed from get this... He told me to tell you to get fucked ... And then he said it was a very accurate description!"

(This being the description of "parade float" / "engorged man-brute").

Obviously, I couldn't be more excited if Liza Minelli had spat on me.

Does this count as my very first celebrity feud?

What's next? Will I be tumbling out of the back of a limo minus my underpants? Will I be shoving cocaine into innocent bystanders' pants in order to avoid the heat from the fuzz? Will I be releasing tracks about how I don't have to go to rehab, shortly before I go to rehab?

No, no, no.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Always Greener ...

Though it happened a couple of weekends ago, I figured I should mention that I took a trip to Daylesford to pay a visit to our ol' pal, Ms Li-Kim Chuah.

It's an incredibly pretty place, with beautiful old buildings and lots of greenery ... though I think I could quite easily go mad with how quiet it is.

Li-Kim seems to be holding in there pretty well, though. Her place is fantastic, and quite straight-forward to get to.

No doubt more daytrips will take place in the following months.

Oh, and on a tangent related to my previous post ... I'm getting ever close to cracking and joining Facebook. Everyone I know LOVES to be on it!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

We Shall Overcome

I will not succumb to the Facebook fad.

I will not succumb to the Facebook fad.

I will not succumb to the Facebook fad.

All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy ... wait! Dammit! I mean ....

I will not succumb to the Facebook fad.

I will not succumb to the Facebook fad.

I will not succumb to the Facebook fad.
