Monday, August 10, 2009

Dear Blog,

I am sorry for abandoning you. It's not your fault. Really it isn't. And it's not like things haven't been happening that aren't worth blogging about. I mean, my God, I blogged a crapload about the Justice League movie and nobody gave a fuck about that, am I right?

No, the truth is I just haven't been bothered. I've been working for the most part, but the times I haven't been working I just, well...haven't felt like writing. Which has made the fact that I've been writing a book a bit difficult.

Yeah, I've been writing a book. Another one. After flogging a dead horse with the last book for about five or so years I figured I'd get back on a different, living horse and give this whole "being an author" thing another crack.

And you know what? I actually finished the damn thing! It kind of helped that the last book I wrote was a 110,000+ word monster and this one was planned out as being a slim, fighting fit 50,000 word effort. I even came in under the word limit, which is kind of like coming in under budget, only there's no money involved and no one really gives a crap.

I've printed it off twice now to take it through the personal editing process, and I'm actually very happy with how it reads. This is a good thing, as I've actually had a real, honest-to-God publisher say they'd be interested in taking a look at it once it's finished.

So with that offer on the table, you can understand why I'd be devoting my time to trying to get this thing into shape, and why blogging would be a thing I wouldn't have the right mindset to get into, right? Right?


In any case, and in summation, no I haven't committed blogicide, but at the same time I won't be making any promises that I'll be changing my ways and becoming a multi-post blogger dynamo. I hope that's cool.

All the best,

That Guy.


Li-Kim Chuah said...

Ah nice! Did you tell me you were writing a book or did you just tell your blog? Hmm well now I think about it - you may have told me but perhaps you were also distracting me at the time with bridezilla/ice cream/wii fit... Yes that's my story and I'm sticking to it. At least you've had an excuse to not blog... I seriously don't know what 50,000 words looks like. I have the attention span for picture books - that or scripts...

Steven said...

Man, you're so on-the-ball. I didn't think anyone would be reading this for at least a few months when doing their semi-regular check to see if I was still being a lazy arse blogger.

50,000 words sounds more impressive than it actually is. It took me months to write and about a day to proof-read. Bah!