Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Costume Drama

Our Halloween party is this Friday night. Originally, I was planning on going as Donnie Darko. You know, from the movie Donnie Darko?

It's a costume I've been wanting to do literally for years, and finally I had my chance!

I thought it'd be a simple thing. They were selling adult skeleton costumes at Toys R Us, and I now have a plurality of hoodies. I was all set. My long-held ambitions of Darko-ness were finally coming to fruition.

Until I went to Toys R Us, and was told they'd sold out of all their Halloween costumes.

%$^# !!!

I went with Simone to the local costume shop, and while they had what she needed to complete her outfit, I was too much of a fussy baby to try on any of the grody looking skeleton costumes they had for rent. If it wasn't a pristine $15 dollar, never-before-worn Toys R Us skeleton costume, I wasn't interested. Yes, I'm that pouty and difficult.

So now I've improvised a costume that, while not as good, is still something fun and not a complete cop-out. It'll make for some interesting photos, at least. And in the meantime, I shall sleep and I shall hope, and I shall wait, until the day comes, where my Darko-est dreams come true.

*emo tear*

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