Friday, June 1, 2007

This Is Me.


What a week of work! Since Monday I've been compiling a document that consists of about a thousand pages, to be sent off to sixty different people. This is in addition to my normal responsibilities, plus a bunch of other work that got lumped on me. I packed and sent off 23 boxes today! 23! Soooo glad it's Friday.

I got invited into the Marketing Director's office yesterday at five to five. Basically, he's taking the responsibility of acquiring promo stock from one of his people and giving it to me. It's increased responsibility, I'll learn a bit more about the business and what not, but given my mental state at the time, he might as well have asked me into his office to say "Steve, shit flows downhill, and the bad news is you're living in the valley."

I'm gonna need some galoshas.

EDIT (from 9 / 5 / 08):
Just wanted to comment on how funny it was re-reading this. I considered deleting it out of concern that Paul (the Marketing Director referred to in the post) would read it and be offended. But I think it's interesting to see the anxiety I had at what turned out to be a pivotal turning point in my gradually-building career. You don't intend for a blog to be a diary, but it ends up becoming one in the end by de facto.

In retrospect, this was a good day for me, even though I didn't see it at the time.

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