Thursday, January 24, 2008

Blackout, Part II

I effed my computer.

While trying to plug the jack for the speakers into the back of the computer without looking (as I've done dozens of times before) I accidentally jammed the jack into a USB port, shorting out the computer and frying the motherboard.

Essentially, I've taken a stick and shoved it in the ear canal of my PC, poking its brain. It's now twitching in a mass on the floor in a pool of its own blood and excrement.

Visual, huh?

Anyway, I called a couple different places to ask about it, and got put onto a guy by the name of Bob from Jim's Computers (the hardwired version of Jim's Mowing, with matching logo!). Bob dropped by the other night to take a look at it and concluded it needed some work done.

The capacitators and the motherboard both need replacement. It won't be until at least Tuesday before I found out what the final assessment is. I'm thinking it's going to cost me around about the $500 mark. Fan - freakin' - tastic!

On the plus side, however, Bob reminds me a great deal of my boss from the DJ company, with his verbal diarrhea and constant digressions into former glories. I put this in the plus column because it's somewhat amusing and because - and this may turn out to be completely wrong - I feel I've jagged a computer guy I can trust.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

In any case, this is all just a long-winded way of saying that, while I still have Internet access at work, I don't at home. So if you're trying to email me or what have you, don't expect a reply until office hours. At the very least.

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