Friday, May 25, 2007

Scooping Ben

I'm fairly dubious as to what this is going to end up being like, but the urge to scoop Ben was too much. Behold, the Taiwanese poster for Transformers.

From what I've seen in the ads, the Transformers look less like giant robots and more like giant heaps of scrap metal haphazardly soldered together to form towering mounds of crap. But given that the ads are about three minutes of actors screaming and cars smashing with about ten seconds of actual robotos, I might be prematurely judging.


Anonymous said...

Way to cut charlie, cara and i out of the cowboy photo... wait... THANKYOU for cutting ME out of the cowboy photo

Steven said...

It's the "Considerate CowBOY", not "boyS"! And besides, look how cool I made it look! I look like Frank Miller drew me! I HAVE NO EYES!!!

Anonymous said...

Dude...when you get broadband you HAVE to watch the trailers and media interviews and stuff from the official movie website. I felt like a little kid again! Pumped for its release. There may be grounds for a legal suit int he following statement, but I reckon its gonna be 'more than meets the eye' :P

Cruisin', Pringles