-Went to a party on Friday night, which was fun but not huge. I left before midnight, given how much of a general humbug I am.
-I took a look at new glasses frames on Saturday afternoon, and have settled on both a pair of normal glasses and sunglasses! Yes, sunglasses! I'm finally going to do it, stretch the extra bit and pay for some eyeball protection against the sun. It'll be sweet. I made an appointment for next Saturday afternoon to get my eyes tested, before placing an order for the new glasses. I'll have to get some photos taken when the frames come in to show ya'll.
-Li-Kim has spotted the American Flag Cons! As to where they are and how much they cost, I have no idea!
-The last week of work has generally involved having my arse kicked by huge amounts of outgoing mail and the need to accomplish monthly tasks I've never done before. This has left me slightly stressed at times.
-I caved and bought season 2 of Justice League Unlimited. I ordered it from Amazon and it should be here shortly. I also purchased the Remix box set of Cowboy Bebop, which I've unsuccessfully lobbied both Ben and Li-Kim to watch a couple of times now. Curse the both of you!!
-We're going to be getting broadband! It's been officially decided. We're going to do it through Optus. I'm looking forward to it, but I think Ben's even more excited. I think he's putting together a list of TV shows to download as we speak.
-The Route 66 trip has been deferred until May of '08. While that's a bit disappointing, it makes a lot more sense, as it will give Dad the proper amount of time to physically recover from all his surgery/treatment and it'll give me a chance to save more money (which is helpful, given all the expenditures I've listed in this posting alone!).
-Charlie will be visiting at the start of June, followed the next week by Mum! My goodness!
-My lengthy posts on superheroes illicted more interest in their length and in Peter's replies (by the way; hi, Pete!) than they did in their content. Which is a pity, given that I'm intending on post a few more articles like that. Prepare your brains!
-I've also had complaints of not posting enough images, so with that in mind ...
... take THAT!!!
that is fucking disgusting! yeah i told you - swanston street little shoe shop that just sells cons. if you actually ever went into the city you would know where it is - shoe junction or something its called. NOT HARD TO FIND STEVE! You just gotta look.
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