Tuesday, May 1, 2007


So as I'm stepping out the door for work this morning, I noticed missed calls on my mobile and a message on my answering machine. It was a guy from The Publishing Company [not actual name], asking me to call him back. I did. He asked if I wanted the job. I did. He said it was mine.


First thing I did when I went into work was give notice. Saturday will be my last shift. I feel really bad that this has come at the time when I'm just moving into bio, and I imagine the technical manager and a few co-workers will be a little miffed about it, but I'd be absolutely insane to let this pass me by.

Monday is my first day, though I'm going in Friday evening to meet everyone in the office for drinks.

Maybe now I can afford those pin-stripe Cons!

God, I'm such a lady ... I get a new job and the first thing I do is think about buying shoes. Jeez!

I'm planning on writing a nice goodbye note to pin up in the staff room at work. I'm really going to miss everyone there.

But hey, I promised myself I'd be gone by the time my parking permit expired (June). It was looking really grim there - like I might have to (gasp) renew it - but just look at me now!

... not that you can ... because we're on the Internet ... and I don't have a webcam ...


Li-Kim Chuah said...

Hope it's good - if not DON'T BLAME ME! See you tonight for some kind of non alcoholic celebrations.

Anonymous said...

great news!!!