It's amazing how a book about the construction of a cathedral in 12th century England can be so involving.
In other news, the marketing department had a function the other night for all the major booksellers. This consisted of giving the book buyers of major stores "goody bags" of bottles of wine with book cover labels stuck on them, sample novels and CDs. After loaning my belt to the marketing executive who'd forgotten his (and being subsequently saggy-arsed all day) I took all the goody bags down to the foyer to load into the limo they'd booked for the event.
The hummer limo.

If you've never seen one of these things, they're friggin' huge. Almost the length of a tram, and much more dangerous-looking. If you got hit by one of these, the physical pain of it would no doubt extend to all those in your bloodline.
So I started to load the bags into it. This is, more or less, what I saw when I did;
I'm not really one for being impressed by excess, but even I have to admit ... that's pretty damn pimpin'.
On the general "work" theme;
I heard a fairly desperate cry of "Help! Help help help!" emerging from one of my neighbour pods this afternoon. I rushed over to find one of the women I work with - in her late fifties and always, always dressed like she's going to the Melbourne Cup (that's a famous horse race for you Belgian readers) - fretting over her stereo. She'd been trying to work out how to switch it over to radio for the past ten minutes, and had become convinced that the brand new device was broken.
I leaned in, unsure of what I could do.
"Uh ... you haven't switched it on."
I pressed the stand-by button and it sprang to life, much to my co-worker's delight and gratitude.
I'm thinking a promotion to "IT Consultant" is in order.
what are you talking about? You are ALWAYS taken in by excess!!!
Not flashy, P Diddy-type excess!
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