Monday, September 17, 2007

Update Me, Seymour!

Like the cruel mistress it is, the blog demands to be updated. So updated it shall be!

- On Saturday I got up to have my morning shower, only to find OUR HOT WATER SYSTEM HAD BROKEN DOWN.

Not wanting to bother the rental agency with a problem we could potentially fix ourselves, both Ashley and I tried our respective hands at getting it started. With no luck, we figured we'd wait for Ben to give it a shot, as he'd been able to get it going the previous time the pilot light had blown out.

Unfortunately, Ben fared no better. We went Saturday and Sunday without any hot water, and after yet another cold shower this morning, I called the real estate agent and gave them permission to enter our domicile unattended. I arrived home to find a completely new water hearter had been installed. Success!

- There might be developments with the manuscript. Stay tuned.

- I'm mulling over the idea of buying a laptop. Any suggestions / advice ?

- You've no doubt seen the 'Britney Spears guy' video. But have you seen Seth Green's parody of it?

And while we're on YouTube goodliness, behold ... THE GREATEST, FUNNIEST THING EVER! I give you ... NATHANIEL!!!

He likes to dance.

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