Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mr Boring

After breaking my record for most-posts-in-a-month last month, it seems I've really bottomed out this month. Hell, September's nearly over and I haven't even cracked double digits! I'm so ashamed!!

The truth is I haven't been doing anything really exciting enough to warrant posting about. I think the most pulse-pounding event was the board game night held up the street a couple of weeks ago ... not that that wasn't exciting, but without pictures it doesn't translate much to interesting blog fodder (or 'blodder').

I've pretty much just been sleeping, eating and working. I'm also semi-sick at the moment, fighting off what I believe is a head cold. I've already had a couple of days off the past few months so I'm loathe to take anymore sick time. Thus I'm doing my best to work through it. But I sure do feel crappy.

Saw Stardust last week, which was pleasant and amusing, though not mind-blowing. It's funny, given that I don't like Robert Deniro that much, that he ends up being the film's highlight.

I'm off to Superbad tonight. Given that I've been feeling dizzy and nauseous the past few nights I'm a little worried it'll be a bit of a physical challenge. We'll see.

Oh, and there's news in that Jessica Biel is "in talks" to play Wonder Woman in the Justice League film. If this turns out to be true, it's not terrible news. I quite like Biel and I think she's got enough presence to pull it off. But that said, I'm still not convinced she's right for the part.

There's your tidbit of blogging. I hope you enjoyed it!

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