Thursday, August 2, 2007

Fan Film Bonanza!

I've struck a vein of rich silver on YouTube! Fan films! Oh, geek senses on overload! Check these babies out!

First up, a Green Lantern teaser that - despite a few flubs here and there - is so authentic-looking I wouldn't be surprised to see it at the movies;

This one's a Spanish Batman trailer where the visuals are so jaw-dropping, you're left with no idea how they did it. I mean, did Guillermo Del Toro have a spare five minutes or something??

This one's a bit of a tangent; it's not a fan film, rather a fan edit, using pre-existing footage to cut together a Justice League trailer. Pretty cool;

And finally - on a real tangent - Marvel Comics vs DC Comics, in the style of the Mac and PC ads.


Anonymous said...

how do u post mutiple youtube vids??

Steven said...

Ummm...just copy and paste the embed code?