Monday, March 26, 2007

Sidetracked to Danger!

Well, wouldn't that just piss you right off? My very first blog post and the thing that people always complaining about happening happened; my entire post vanished in the blink of an eye. Oh, the things I wrote! Such exciting wonder lost, lost to the ages!

I guess I'll just have to do my best to repeat myself.

Yes, I've started a blog. No, I didn't mean to. It just sorta ... happened. I've gone from wanting to make/buy a t-shirt with 'Your blog sucks' written on it to having one myself. I promised myself it wouldn't happen until I was rich and famous enough for people to actually care about what I had to say, but I can only handle the peer pressure of 90% of the population having a blog before I finally crack.

My rationalisation for it is that it will help me keep in contact with inter-state family without having to actually, ya know, keep in contact with inter-state family. Hi, blood kin I never see!

The reason for the 'Considerate Cowboy' handle relates back to an in-joke between former housemate Daniel Bond and I made waaaay back in 2002. Ask him about it if you see him. Worst that could happen is that he takes you down a notch with his scalpel.

Further explanations; I've decided each post is going to have the same title as a Hardy Boys book. Why? The sheer hell of it. How long this lasts for depends on how long I'm interested in it lasting for. Take that as a general rule for the blog as a whole. I've also decided to add the exclamation marks that the Hardy Boys titles so richly deserve.

Lots of things have been happening lately; going to the movies, going to parties ... going to work. I'll do my best to catch you all up. But seeing as this is my second attempt to say all this crap and I was already tired of it the first go-around, I think I'll just leave it there for the time being. I gots me some Scrubs to watch.



Li-Kim Chuah said...

Yo Biatch I am the VERY FIRST PERSON TO COMMMENT. Three "Ms" yeah I'm rooted and still have work to do before going to 9 tomorrow. I feel like I wanna spew with nerves. I LOVE TO LOVE IT. peaceout. ps. add some pictures or i'm outta here. is my lack of punctuation driving u nutz? :P

Steven said...

Yes. Yes it is.