Saturday, March 31, 2007

Who Took the Book?!

[Once again, a Hardy Boys title with an exclamation mark added]

So I've finished proofreading the manuscript, now I just have to go through it and format it so all the chapters start on a new page. I think it could do with some more rewriting (well, a lot more rewriting), but if I start that now I'll never get finished, and I'd like to be able to send this damn thing off sooner rather than later.

For those of you unaware, a publisher has shown interest in the book I've written and has asked to be sent a copy. Well, two copies. I don't know what they're going to do with the second one. Maybe there's a door in the guy's house that keeps slamming shut and he needs an effective stop.

I'm going through it now with Chapelle's Show on in the background, in the hope of being able to get it printed off at Officeworks tomorrow. I imagine it's going to cost a butt-load.

But it's very exciting, as this is the very first published to show interest in it since I finished writing it four years ago. Crap. Four years. That's a ... that's a looooong time.

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