Monday, August 17, 2009

Top 5 Girly Men of Rock

And the Top 5 lists just keep on coming!

5. Frank N. Furter

He may be a fictional character, but there’s no denying the fact that Frank N. Furter has been hugely influential in pop culture. I mean, Hedwig (of Angry Inch fame) is totally riddled with Frank N. Furter’s DNA.

…no, that’s not how I meant it. You pervert.

Also, we’ll ignore the fact that The Rocky Horror Picture Show gives me the screaming shits.

4. Brian Molko

The first time I saw Pure Morning by Placebo, I couldn’t tell if Brian Molko was a boy, a girl, or a genetically-engineered neohuman.

Over ten years later and I’m still not sure.

3. Robert Smith

I like Robert Smith. I’m a fan of Robert Smith. But even I want to bitch slap Robert Smith. Suck it up, man! You’re 50 years old, for God’s sake! Put. The eyeliner. Down.

2. Freddie Mercury

I’m still waiting on that Freddie Mercury biopic to happen. His story has everything. Tragedy! Triumph! Moustaches!

1. David Bowie

Major Tom. Ziggy Stardust. The Thin White Duke. David Bowie is all these things and more. He’s an artist, a visionary – some might even say a genius. Dude’s also been married to Iman since 1992. That’s pretty awesome. But most of all, David Bowie is Jareth the Goblin King. And nobody’s cooler than Jareth the Goblin King.

I would post a clip from Venture Bros where David Bowie is depicted as the shape-shifting head of a secret supervillain society, but it’s nowhere to be found on Youtube! So in lieu of that, here’s a clip I pulled up at random.

By the way, if anyone knows what video Bowie released a few years ago where he’s standing in front of a mirror as an old man looking at a reflection of his younger self, for the love of God let me know what it is! I’ve been looking for it for ages and still can’t find it!

‘Til next time…


Li-Kim Chuah said...

Butler can u give me like an 80's list of some sort.... or like pioneers of music genre - ie. first rap song or song featuring rap - but not that blondie one... or like novelty songs from the 80's - STUTTER RAP?

Steven said...

You and that Stutter Rap! I had never even heard of it before you and your Youtubes.

Hmmm. '80s theme. Rap. Novelty. Gimme some time and I'll see what I can come up with. Last thing I was working on was Top 5 Doomed Troubadors.