Friday, January 25, 2008

Serenity ( Then and ) Now !

I was already mildly curious about Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, because Lena Headey (who's playing Sarah Connor) rocks the casbah, and because ever since I was a kid I've had a certain fascination with the Terminator saga.

But then I saw the ad, and saw that Summer Glau (pictured above) is playing the Terminator sent back to protect Sarah Connor and her saviour-of-the-future offspring, John.

Hell yeah!

To be perfectly honest, this isn't very imaginative casting, given Summer's role in one of my all-time favourite TV shows / movies, Firefly (re-titled Serenity when it got adapted for cinema). In that, she played River, a young genius driven to the edge of insanity by the machinations of a nefarious government plot that turned her into a living weapon.

And now she's playing another living weapon. And I don't care about the repetition because it's good to see her again, and I'm sure she's going to be awesome.

Now if only Alan Tudyk could get some equally high-profile work.

1 comment:

MikeRotch said...

what exactly is a casbah???