Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Million Dollar Nightmare!

After ordering it from Amazon and receiving it in the mail, I've quickly become obsessed with Justice League Unlimited.

After staying up until after 5 am last night, I've watched all but two episodes, and with only two audio commentaries, I'll swiftly be completely done. I wanted to hold off for a while before buying the next (and final) season, but I doubt I'll have the patience.

In addition to that, Ben's new job means there's a whole world of JB Hi-Fi discounts at the ready. Surround Sound for under a hundred dollars! The completel, re-mixed Cowboy Bebop at cost price.

Final. Fantasy. XII!

I'm such a consumerist whore. Maybe I should just save up and get an Advanced Hair treatment.

The Secret of Skull Mountain!

Li-Kim currently has a photo of me on her blog that makes me look like this ...

It hurts. It hurts real bad.

Who Took the Book?!

[Once again, a Hardy Boys title with an exclamation mark added]

So I've finished proofreading the manuscript, now I just have to go through it and format it so all the chapters start on a new page. I think it could do with some more rewriting (well, a lot more rewriting), but if I start that now I'll never get finished, and I'd like to be able to send this damn thing off sooner rather than later.

For those of you unaware, a publisher has shown interest in the book I've written and has asked to be sent a copy. Well, two copies. I don't know what they're going to do with the second one. Maybe there's a door in the guy's house that keeps slamming shut and he needs an effective stop.

I'm going through it now with Chapelle's Show on in the background, in the hope of being able to get it printed off at Officeworks tomorrow. I imagine it's going to cost a butt-load.

But it's very exciting, as this is the very first published to show interest in it since I finished writing it four years ago. Crap. Four years. That's a ... that's a looooong time.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Attack of the Video Villains!

I've come to learn just how cutting my 'Your Blog Sucks' t-shirt would have been, as Sarah keeps repeating this to me every other sentence. She also passed along pretty much the same sentiments from Simon.

Well, you know what? You two are reminding me of a certain set of someones ...

Oh yeah! That's right, bitches!

Consider yourselves served.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Game Plan for Disaster!

Li-Kim has developed a weird obsession for not only Horatio Hornblower, but all things Horatio Hornblower. As a result, I'm going to show her the episode of Justice League Unlimited that features Iaaaooonnnn Grofowoofud [name misspelt on account of it being weird and Welsh].

Li-Kim, prepare yourself for Mister Miracle and Big Barda!

Meanwhile, Stephanie has mentioned in the comments field that the Turtles scared her as a kid. Stef, if you think the idea of mutant turtles lurking in the sewers was bad, get a load of this ...


Danger on the Air!

I have Oprah playing in the background as I type this. Has anyone noticed whenever they do "scary flashbacks" on that show the image turns from black-and-white to negative with a flash in between? It makes sense with today's episode about a pregnant woman getting attacked, but it's kind of weird when they do it for fashion make-overs.

Fear on Wheels!

Everyone else seems to talk about their jobs on their blogs, so I thought I should do the same. Then after I'm done we're all going for Starbucks and some bridge-jumping.

Working at [Name Withheld Due to Legal Reasons] cinemas, you deal with a lot of dumb, rude and unpleasant customers. Of course, the dumb ones you can kind of forgive. For the most part, they're orindary folk who suffer the unfortunate downfall of doing the same slightly-dim thing that about a billion other people do every other day of the week. It's not their fault that the repetition of this one act drives the person working there so crazy they want to kill-with-a-hammer the very next person who does it.

The people who play keep-away with their tickets like it's the world's funniest and most original joke, on the other hand, are just stupid jerks. You wanna play keep-away with your ticket? Fine. I'm going to play keep-away with your movie. How do you like 'em apples?

All of this is kind of irrelevant, though. The thing that got me started was this one woman I had to deal with today, whose actions have been mystifying me ever since.

I came out of cinema 3 after having done a routine check (all the movies were in and I was bored), and I noticed a young kid holding the door open to cinema 2. I'm a terrible judge of age, and seeing as blogging is a non-interactive medium I can't do my usual thing of saying "He was this old" before indicating how tall he was ... so let's just say he was very young and call it even).

I walk over to him to ask if he's lost his parents or something when his mother comes out of the cinema, sees me, and immediately says "Oh, it's okay, he's just afraid of the dark". I smile, say okay and turn to leave her to it. She starts to pull the kid into the movie, he starts to cry ... and then she starts screaming at him. He starts to cry more. She smacks him. Then drags him crying into the cinema, shouting at him for good measure. ("Shut up! SHUT UP! I'm not going to sit in there alone! I paid good money for your ticket and you're going to watch the movie!", etc.)

Now far be it from me to judge a more-than-likely stressed-out mother, but that kid's just going to end up riddled with all kinds of complexes after that. Especially given that his mother, having lurched from the shadows and - despite his protests - plunging him into the underworld, was taking him to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This may sound harmless enough, but I've seen that movie, man. I wouldn't be game to take a kid who's afraid of the dark and just been shouted at and hit by his mother into that movie, what with the whole plot revolving around the monsters the Turtles have to fight/capture.

I don't know where that kid is right now, but I guarantee, as I'm writing this, he's having nightmares.

Yes, bitching about one's job is cliche. Yes, judging the parenting abilities of others - especially when you yourself are young and childless - is obnoxious. But damn if it isn't cathartic!


The Missing Chums!

So I figured I'd do some obvious post-baiting (I want as many comments after my posts as possible, dammit!) and harass a few Breakkian buddies to see if they respond. Sound like fun? It should!

First of all, the big news. Dominos spokesman Luke Arnold is rumoured to have a new kind of hots. No, it's no longer for what's in the box with the dots. Instead, it's for one of McLeod's Daughters. Now, Luke hasn't told me this personally, but seeing as I live with his sister, I think it's fairly reliable information. What role the whiz kid will have on the show is unknown by my cronies and me, but we do have a picture of him on set!
Doesn't he look super-jazzed to be there??
Next up is my dear pal Steven Pree. In addition to stealing my name, Steve is also the subject of one of my favourite photos ever.
What exactly he's indicating with his thumb and forefinger there is anyone's guess. It may very well be a mystery that goes with Mr Pree to his grave.

Finally, for one Ms Sarah JK, I have a simple question that occurred to me at work today. Is it wrong that the most attracted I've ever been to Rose McGowan has been in Grindhouse? (Especially given that I've never been attracted to her before);

Yes, even with the machine-gun leg. Maybe even because of it (though this is a bad picture to go by. You have to see the standee and banner we have at work).

Well, that's my list of smart-arsey things I wanted to say and do done. Remember guys, no matter how stupid you may think I am, it's even stupider to end a friendship with someone over a blog post. (I just know Luke's lookin' to cut me loose. All he needs it the right excuse).

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What Happened at Midnight!

...or, more precisely, 2 am.

I'm typing up this post after having come back from Elise's goodbye drinks. In case you didn't know, she's quit her job at [name withheld due to legal reasons] Cinemas. Yes, she's gone rogue. I'd be sad to see her go, but seeing as we're pretty much never rostered on at the same time anyway, I don't think it'll make a huge difference.

In any case, let's all wish her well in her future endeavours. Pip, pip!

I'm pretty sure she'll do well. What company wouldn't want a kung-fu-fighting lawyer on their side?

Monday, March 26, 2007

Final Gambit!

Like a teenage boy, I just can't stop fiddling with it. Last post before I go to bed, I promise. The only reason I'm still here is because I realised I forgot to mention one other film I've seen. Namely;


I had been looking forward to this one ever since it was announced. Being a fan of Shaun of the Dead and an even bigger fan of Spaced, how could I not want to see this? I was the first person to put up one of the posters at work ... and nobody knew what the hell it was. Only slightly frustrating.

Of course, the fact that I couldn't keep myself from sneaking peeks at it during cinema checks meant that a number of the surprises had been spoiled for me, but that didn't matter. Stick Simon Pegg in something and I'm there. If the rumors about him being cast as Rorschach in the upcoming Watchmen movie turn out to be true, I'll be a very happy ... person.

Now I know I've said this pretty much every post so far, but I think it's time for me to head off. I have to hit the hay before getting up to sell Tight-Arse Tuesday tickets to old people wanting to watch Notes on a bloody Scandal. Fingers crossed I don't have to deal with any bodily fluids this week.

... I need a new job.


Cast of Criminals!

So I've seen a few movies lately, and I figured I might do a quick write up on them before I give this whole thing away for the night and go to bed. Ready? GO!

It was weird how quickly this one came out. We got posters for it at work only a couple of weeks ago, but here it is, ready and waiting to be seen ... which is exactly what Sarah and I did opening night. Yes, we are geeks. Or I am, and she suffers it. Whatever.

So? How was it?


Set in the same continuity as the three live-action films, it took the darker aspects of the first film and added the goofy fun of the other two to make a movie that fans will no doubt love, but critics aren't really going to get (as evidenced by its 32% rating on

There were some moments that looked really beautiful; Raphael and Leonardo's rooftop fight in the rain being the clear winner. The voice cast was great, with Sarah Michelle Gellar and Patrick Stewart being obvious stand-outs. The only drawback was the overly complicated plot. It reminded me of Dead Man's Chest, with its we-need-to-get-the-things-to-open-the-things-to-save-the-things machinations. Messy, and hard to follow. But other than that, it was a lot of nerdy fun, with the Thursday night audience clapping and cheering during the end credits. Whodathunk?

The Illusionist
Being an Edward Norton fan, I've of course been looking forward to this one, but it's unfortunate timing left it feeling like Prestige-lite. Fine performances and thoughtful cinematography couldn't save this from being predictable and somewhat uninvolving. I enjoyed it, but I doubt I'll remember it.

The Host
Li-Kim and Ben have both covered this one in their own blogs, so I won't get into it too much. A sci-fi/monster movie from South Korea, this is an incredibly entertaining genre piece that artfully blends comedy, drama and suspense. The monster itself is extremely convincing, which is the strongest argument for CG special effects I've ever seen; giving independant film-makers the ability to make films on scale with Hollywood blockbusters that allow them to maintain their unique voice.

I'd recommend you head over to The Cheers to read my other film reviews, but I'm actually doing a music column there now (*shameless plug*). Fingers crossed, though, on some DVD reviews surfacing for M/C Review soon.

Films I'm looking forward to?
Spider-Man 3. Duh.
Southland Tales. Writer/director Richard Kelly's (Donnie Darko) new effort.
Zodiac. David Fincher directs Jake Gyllenhaal and Robert Downie Jr in a film about the LA serial murdered the Zodiac Killer.
300. Just coz.

Well, that's it. I'm off to bed. See ya in the 'morrow.


Rock N Roll Renegades!

If you've been to Li-Kim's blog, then you've already seen these photos, but for those of you not in the know, here's just a small sampling (both featuring yours truly, so as to fit into the theme of this blog being all about me, me, me!).

That oughta settle your hash, Li-Kim. Only one post in and ALREADY making demands! Damn!

So, yeah, these are from the party at the Other Henry House from Saturday. Long story short; it was L-themed. Carol there is a loofer. I was Lucky to Be There (as is self-evident). And Ben and I got our elaborate revenge on Lindsay for silly-stringing up our house on New Year's Eve by ... uh ... silly-stringing up his house. HA! Are we ingenious or what?!

If you want to see more pics, hit up Li-Kim's blog. A link is very conveniently placed on the right-side of the screen. Ka-ching!


Sidetracked to Danger!

Well, wouldn't that just piss you right off? My very first blog post and the thing that people always complaining about happening happened; my entire post vanished in the blink of an eye. Oh, the things I wrote! Such exciting wonder lost, lost to the ages!

I guess I'll just have to do my best to repeat myself.

Yes, I've started a blog. No, I didn't mean to. It just sorta ... happened. I've gone from wanting to make/buy a t-shirt with 'Your blog sucks' written on it to having one myself. I promised myself it wouldn't happen until I was rich and famous enough for people to actually care about what I had to say, but I can only handle the peer pressure of 90% of the population having a blog before I finally crack.

My rationalisation for it is that it will help me keep in contact with inter-state family without having to actually, ya know, keep in contact with inter-state family. Hi, blood kin I never see!

The reason for the 'Considerate Cowboy' handle relates back to an in-joke between former housemate Daniel Bond and I made waaaay back in 2002. Ask him about it if you see him. Worst that could happen is that he takes you down a notch with his scalpel.

Further explanations; I've decided each post is going to have the same title as a Hardy Boys book. Why? The sheer hell of it. How long this lasts for depends on how long I'm interested in it lasting for. Take that as a general rule for the blog as a whole. I've also decided to add the exclamation marks that the Hardy Boys titles so richly deserve.

Lots of things have been happening lately; going to the movies, going to parties ... going to work. I'll do my best to catch you all up. But seeing as this is my second attempt to say all this crap and I was already tired of it the first go-around, I think I'll just leave it there for the time being. I gots me some Scrubs to watch.
