Monday, December 24, 2007

In Camelot

Or, more appropriately, "In Brisbane", as that's where I am, and have been for the past couple of days.

Things have changed here. A lot. Although maybe "changing" is a better word for it. Buildings have popped up all over the place, there's a tunnel being dug under the city, there's roadworks everywhere. It's craziness. It's pretty much a mad house, a mad house.

My flight was good, the family's all good, and all over I'm having a good time. Had a seafood lunch yesterday with the Lochran clan, which included the next generation (all my cousins are having kids, including my only guy cousin, who always said he'd never get married. I met his wife and two sons yesterday).

It's funny how much I consider Melbourne "home" now. Although I still say the roads and traffic in Brisbane are much, much better!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


In addition to the abnormally long silence on my blog, my mobile is out of commission at the moment. So if you're trying to ring / text me, it's not that I'm avoiding you ... I'm just a retard who typed the wrong code in too many times and accidentally fried his SIM card.

Zas iz all.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


The one thing I forgot to mention to the doctor lo those many months ago was that I seem to be affected by tinnitus. It's especially bad at night, when everything's quiet and I have nothing to focus on but the constant, high-pitched whine in my ears.

Anybody have any experience with this? Any steps to be taken for it, or is my hearing crap forevermore?

I'm Really Looking Forward To This ...

Where The Wild Things Are.

It's looking like Spike Jonze has nailed it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Had This Song Stuck In My Head ...

Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Unusual Suspects (AKA "X-O, X-O, Bitches!")

The weekend was a fairly quiet affair, with all the Christmas shopping I intended to do passed over in favour of sitting on my fat arse and watching TV.

"Inspired" by the non-stop advertising for the show on cable (more like "brainwashed by") Ben downloaded the first six or so episodes of Gossip Girl, the new series by the creator of The OC based on some horrid YA series of novels.

Everyone else in the house seemed to really enjoy it - whether that was on an ironic level or not I can't really tell - while I was almost brought to tears watching the trials and tribulations of a bunch of spoiled New York yuppie kids and their assorted Bret Easton Ellis-lite "adventures".

The most annoying aspect of the whole show is the framing device; the writings of the titular "gossip girl". Gossip Girl runs what one presumes is a blog, updating people as to what five or so teenagers from some private school are doing. That'd get, what, like six hits, tops?

Anyways, gossip girl uses her spies everywhere to inform "us", the readers of her site, what the Impossibly-Good-Looking cast are all up to.

The only really interesting aspect to this is guessing who Gossip Girl's real identity is. Having just read that the unseen narrator is voiced by Kristen Bell (from Veronica Mars / Heroes ), I think it's safe to say there'll be no building / resolution of the "Who is Gossip Girl?" mystery, which is a real shame.

But in answer to this, Li-Kim and I have decided to compile our own lists of "Who is Gossip Girl?". Li-Kim's list will be posted over at her blog, but while you're waiting for that golden nugget of comedy to drop, check out mine;

5) Alan Dale

This was Li-Kim's initial suggestion for who Gossip Girl really was, and it's one I seized on. I instantly envisioned the grand reveal, with all the cast spinning the high-back leather chair that GG is sitting in to reveal Dale's craggy visage, attired in a pink Hello Kitty! t-shirt, before he screams Gossip Girl's catchphrase of "X-O, X-O, bitches!" and disappears in an explosion of mauve smoke.

4) Chim-Chim from Speed Racer

With a new Speed Racer movie coming out, wiley monkey Chim-Chim took it upon himself to start a Dark Knight-esque viral campaign that included an entirely unrelated and completely boring teenage soap opera!

3) Amy Winehouse

She needs something to do now that she's cancelled her tour, and she'd probably appreciate being the author of tireless gossip rather than the subject of it!

2) Perez Hilton

Wanting to maintain his "celebrity blogger" status minus the venomous ire his online scrawlings generate, Perez decides to go "undercover". Watch for him in the background of key scenes, tapping notes madly into his Blackberry while wearing a wig and sunglasses so he doesn't "get made".

And in our number one spot ...

1) Doctor Doom

He's one of the greatest supervillains of all time. You'd be surprised how far his influence reaches. KNEEL BEFORE DOOM! X-O, X-O, YOU SNIVELLING PEASANTS!!

And that's that. Hopefully all this speculation hasn't earned me Gossip Girl's wrath, with her posting things like "S spotted sulking on landing outside trendy night spot, crying 'I'm going to go eat some worms!' " or some such.

Ripped from Today's Headlines

The absurdity of this made me chuckle, but your mileage may vary. From The Age's website;

"A possum-eating three-metre python is missing and possibly disoriented, its Collingwood owner told police yesterday."

Of course, this was my immediate mental image;

Current Mood:

Sad panda.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Friday Feem Tuun Time Again

Bjork, on the nature of missing someone.


Dammit dammit dammit!


"Get This" ? More Like "Get Fucked" !

My Get This saga continues!

As he'll no doubt be blogging about in full, Ben worked at the AFI awards last night, and encountered many various celebrities. At about 12.30 I was in bed trying (and failing) to get to sleep, when my phone buzzed.

Here's the message (written verbatim);

"Steve- just talked to ed from get this... He told me to tell you to get fucked ... And then he said it was a very accurate description!"

(This being the description of "parade float" / "engorged man-brute").

Obviously, I couldn't be more excited if Liza Minelli had spat on me.

Does this count as my very first celebrity feud?

What's next? Will I be tumbling out of the back of a limo minus my underpants? Will I be shoving cocaine into innocent bystanders' pants in order to avoid the heat from the fuzz? Will I be releasing tracks about how I don't have to go to rehab, shortly before I go to rehab?

No, no, no.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Always Greener ...

Though it happened a couple of weekends ago, I figured I should mention that I took a trip to Daylesford to pay a visit to our ol' pal, Ms Li-Kim Chuah.

It's an incredibly pretty place, with beautiful old buildings and lots of greenery ... though I think I could quite easily go mad with how quiet it is.

Li-Kim seems to be holding in there pretty well, though. Her place is fantastic, and quite straight-forward to get to.

No doubt more daytrips will take place in the following months.

Oh, and on a tangent related to my previous post ... I'm getting ever close to cracking and joining Facebook. Everyone I know LOVES to be on it!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

We Shall Overcome

I will not succumb to the Facebook fad.

I will not succumb to the Facebook fad.

I will not succumb to the Facebook fad.

All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy ... wait! Dammit! I mean ....

I will not succumb to the Facebook fad.

I will not succumb to the Facebook fad.

I will not succumb to the Facebook fad.


Friday, November 30, 2007

While I've Got Your(Tube) Attention

Look, it's the "real" transformers!

These guys are certainly less than meets the eye.

Friday Feem Toon

It's another Friday.

It's another feem tuun.

It's Daft Punk.

It's Digital Love.

Happy weekend.

What a Bastard!

Today in the office we received mail from a man whose surname is Bastard.

Yes. Bastard.

I'll give you time to allow the full weight of that to settle in all your minds, but I think my favourite use of that surname would be in introducing the bride and groom at the wedding reception.

"Ladies and gentleman, may I present to you, the happy couple ... Mr and Mrs Bastard!"

How this guy lives his life, I have no idea.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Seperated at Birth?

Or father and son?

You be the judge!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dressed to Kill

Is it weird that I want to dress like a serial killer?

Thanks to Ben's downloading skillz, I've become hooked on Dexter.

As part of his forensics department, Dexter (the serial killer who only kills killers, while also working as a blood splatter specialist for the Miami PD) is a member of a bowling team, where he wears the following shirt;

I found it available to buy here, and have since become obsessed with the idea of getting one ... even though they cost about $60 Australian.

But perhaps more disturbing is my desire to buy this piece of apparel, as found on the same site;

This is the shirt that Dexter wears when he's "on the hunt", as it were. The site refers to it as his "kill uniform".

As much as I'd like to get it, the thing prohibiting me from doing so is that, darn it, I just wouldn't look as good filling it out as Michael C Hall does.

I think my ever-expanding love handles would soil the entire image, really.

But a geek can dream. Oh yes, a geek can dream ...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

'Nuff Said?

By Phillip Adams from The Australian;

"SPARE me the sentimental tosh about John Howard. Here's why his departure is a joyous occasion.

The scene: The Great Hall at the University of Sydney. The grand opening of a conference for the Centre for the Mind. Crowds have gathered to see Nelson Mandela cut the ribbon. As chairman of the advisory board it is my duty to welcome our patron, the Prime Minister. That long-time opponent of sanctions against apartheid South Africa will then welcome Mandela. When I complain bitterly about my chore, the vice-chancellor murmurs, "Protocol."

A last-minute phone call from a protocol officer in the PM's department.

"Do you really want to introduce the PM?" he asks.

"Of course I bloody well don't!"

"Yes, it would be a bit hypocritical."

"Not as hypocritical as the PM introducing Mandela."

The resolution? The VC will introduce Howard. I'll move the vote of thanks. When I explain the change, Mandela isn't fussed but asks me: "How's Paul Keating getting on?"

This backstage kerfuffle is nothing to Malcolm Fraser's loud performance in front of the gathering dignitaries, including the PM. He tells of a crisis early in his prime ministership involving Vietnamese close to the Australian embassy. They are understandably desperate to be allowed into this country. Fraser phones Gough Whitlam, who agrees they should be welcomed. "So did my entire cabinet, except for one person. Guess who!" And he points the finger at Howard.

The scene: John Laws's 2UE studio in 1988. Anticipating One Nation by many years, Howard warns the nation of the dangers of Asian immigration. So outraged is the response to his statement that Howard loses his job as Opposition leader a year later.

The scene: A new prime minister manipulates Hansonism in the mid to late 1990s. Forget dog-whistle politics. In a campaign as deafening as any air raid siren, Howard declares war on multiculturalism and political correctness. White Australia rises from its grave. Bigotry is unleashed via an epidemic of racist graffiti, schoolyard attacks and shock-jock broadcasting. Thanks to the main parties' accommodation of One Nation, Australian racism is world news.

The scene: A few thousand refugees flee the Taliban and Saddam Hussein in 2001. Howard brands them queue jumpers, illegals and has cohorts hint that they're terrorists. The Tampa sails into view and our detention of decent people in concentration camps becomes an international disgrace. Kim Beazley rolls over. The ALP is complicit in this political pornography, this immense stunt. Kids overboard. The Australian Navy is appalled by what it's ordered to do. More than 350 die on the SievX. All this wins Howard another term.

The scene: 9/11. Howard jumps the queue to sign up for the misconceived war on terror and the horror story of the Iraq invasion. Immense numbers of Iraqis are killed. We are complicit in hundreds of thousands of deaths, in Abu Ghraib, in torture, in rendition. It isn't democracy that blossoms in the Middle East. It's terrorism. To this day Howard insists that the fiasco of Iraq is a success.

The scene: Guantanamo Bay. Howard permits the monstrous treatment of David Hicks.

The scene: The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission prepares Bringing Them Home, the tragic account of the stolen generations. Before publication date in 1997, Howard's bovver boys not only deride the document but slander Ronald Wilson. Historical revisionism kicks in. Reconciliation is rejected. The black-white divide deepens. Quadrant crows. Pauline Hanson is pleased.

The scene: The Kelly gang - the husbands of retiring member Jackie Kelly and her would-be replacement - are caught distributing a piece of crap designed to press the hot buttons on anti-Muslim bigotry. We're told this attempt to throw fuel on the world's most inflammatory issue is a prank. The PM promptly denies any knowledge of this dirtiest of dirty tricks, yet it sits within the culture of bigotry he has encouraged over many years.

The scene: As the election gains pace, Howard's immigration minister Kevin Andrews targets the alleged criminality of Sudanese refugees and immigrants. Deja vu all over again.

The scene: A few days before the election, Howard is asked to list his proudest achievements. Right up front he says the destruction of - yes - political correctness.

Is Howard a bigot? His support of apartheid South Africa, his long-term indifference to the issues of Aboriginal Australia, his exploitation of the refugee issue and his on-the-record hostility to Asian immigration would suggest so. Or is he a main-chancer, a cunning manipulator of other people's fears and racism? If the latter, isn't that morally worse? That's why I'm not shedding tears at Howard's departure. Because his fondness for the Menzies era involved the revival of too many aspects of White Australia. No other modern PM on either side of politics would have touched it with a barge pole."

And now it's me again;

Of course, none of the above takes into account his broken promises (probably the largest being the GST), his homophobia, and his barely-veiled contempt for both the working class and anyone aged 18 - 25. Oh, and his head-stuck-in-the-sand approach to any and all environmental issues. And his corporate stoolie-ism. And his misuse of taxpayer's funds. And on, and on, and on.

It really feels like the world's become a different place since Saturday. I'm checking news sites every hour for the latest headlines, with so many amazing and exciting changes taking place I feel I can barely keep up.

Please, please let this be the start of something new, something good.

I'm off to check the headlines again.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Congratulations, K-Rudd!

Now don't stuff it up!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Off To See This Tonight ...

On the big screen no less! Am very excited!!

Friday Feem 2n

Just a quick one to celebrate the arrival of another Friday.

Got a date with the night? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

(I'm sorry, I had to do it!)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Unsettling Similarities

Carol and I came to a startling realisation last night. Ben is almost exactly like Pikachu from Pokemon!

In fact, you could even say he's a PikaChuah!


Monday, November 19, 2007

My Power and Influence is Growing ...

You might recall my email to Get This and its reference to co-host Ed Kavalee resembling both a 'parade float' and an 'engorged man-brute'.

Well, has been set up in an effort by fans to, quite obviously, save Get This, and as I was checking through their site, whose fingerprints did I find ... but mine very own ?!!


This is a flyer the site has created for the party following the final broadcast. As you can see for yourself, Ed Kavalee's entry has him listed ... as Engorged Manbrute!!! This is indeed a term coined by your very own blogmaster!

But it doesn't end there. Upon further exploration of the site, I found Ed's bio, which included this helpful information;

'In Podcast 140, it was revealed that Ed is happy to be called a engorged man-brute due to his height and pulling power on Thank God You're Here, but not as a "float".'

Clearly, now is the best time to curry favour with me, as my grip on the cultural lexicon is surely to only tighten, and it is at my whim that you will be referred to as either sublimely satisfying or utterly uck-tistic.

The choice is yours, mortals!

Friday, November 16, 2007

I Am The King ...

... of my own Calm Kingdom.

I will now go add a drop of lavender to my bath. As I don't actually have a bath, I will simply lather myself in lavender under the searing blast of the shower jets.

Friday Feem Tuun

In celebration of the oncoming weekend, I figured I'd try to post a link to a song I like every Friday.

To kick off the Friday Feem Tuun, I give you a track by a guy I personally think is a bit of a toss pot ... but damn if I don't love this song.

Ladies, gentlemen ...


Day 3

He's wearing a shirt and tie AGAIN! And this time it's one of those shirts with the coloured torso and the white collar.

If it was me, by now, I'd have looked around and decided to cool it with at least the tie action. But this guy ... I think he's planning a hostile take-over!

Before I know it he'll be in charge and I'll be wearing a shirt and tie and talking about mergers and acquisitions and this whole place will be one of those stock firm things!!

Well ... I guess there'll at least be the bonus of unrestricted Bolivian marching powder. But I'm not trading my Ray Bans for no loaves of bread!!

... I don't think anyone will get that last reference ...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Alone in a Sea of T-Shirts and Jeans

Even after being the ONLY one in formal business attire yesterday, The Temp has once again rocked up sporting full on G-Man outfit, including shirt, tie AND jacket.

I can only conclude that he is an aspiring Gordon Gecko-type, and will not stop until he's achieved all the success that Tony Robbins has promised him for all these years.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Polish Terminator Poster

Am I the only one who thinks "Elektroniczny Morderca" would make for a great techno-duo band name?

TV Party

I finished the first season of Dexter last night. Overall it was very enjoyable, with plenty of twists and turns to keep the viewer's interest. Two of the major revelations were, in retrospect, quite obvious, and I felt somewhat dense for having not spotted them earlier. I want Lost to come back on so I can feel quietly superior about my ability to predict plot developments.

I started watching the first season of The Wire last weekend. It's a very good show - gritty, involving, and highly realistic with its depiction of cops who are under-funded and also, for the most part, more interested in their career prospects than catching the bad guy. My initial entry into the series was a little unfairly balanced, however, as I'd heard nothing but rave reviews about it, calling it "the best TV show EVER". I get the feeling if you're a Michael Mann fan, that would definitely be your opinion, but as for me, I think it's (so far) quite good, but I'm as yet not blown away.

Finally, let me say;

"It is I who have replaced YOU! With the NIGHT!"

That's my favourite quote from The Sarah Silverman Program, and it's one that's been running through my head a lot lately. She says it to her sister before she goes running, literally, into the night.

So with that in mind, and to wrap things up, here's a picture of Sarah Silverman, looking hot.


Professionally Speaking

Having lunch at my desk today, and since I realised it's been a week since my last post, I figured I'd fire off a couple quick ones.

... though I have nothing to say.

Oh! There's a temp working in the office today. A dude temp. Obviously he hadn't been here before and had to decide what to attire himself in this morning, so he made the highly professional choice of a business shirt and tie.

I think he's the only guy on the floor wearing a tie ... if not in the entire building.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Welcome to the Winner's Circle

As promised, here are the photos taken from my excursion to Flemington race course. I know probably only my parents will be interested in this but, hey, isn't this the very purpose of blogs?

I've omitted photos I either wasn't in or appeared creepily in the background of ... so that was quite a few.

Here we go;

The boys surveying the track. From left to right that's Joel, Adri's partner Ant, me and Adri.

The group in the grand stand. Joel, Ant, Serap, me and Lizzie.

Serap and me. That hat was difficult to negotiate with!

Serap and me watching the race. Obviously she cared a bit more than I did.

There was a rash of picture taking. I can't explain it.
Curse the foul light of day!
And that's about it. Hopefully I didn't look too awkward and twitchy for you all. If I did, kindly take your complaints elsewhere.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

And They're Off!

Just got back from Derby Day and, thanks to the open bar at the corporate marquee I was in, am now completely effed.

In short; had a good time.

Full report (and pictures!) to follow ... but for the time being I think it's shower, cable, and sleep. Sleepy sleep sleep.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Killer in Me is the Killer in You

Went and saw this man ...

... discuss this show ...

... at the Dendy last night, accompanied by not one but two episodes.

It was quite the thrilling experience, marred only slightly by the EXTREMELY STRESSFUL process of getting there. My directions turned out to be quite shoddy which, combined with the fact that it was rush hour traffic, left me swearing at the top of my lungs. One thing I HATE about Melbourne; YOU CAN'T TURN ANYWHERE! Every single damn time I need to make a critical turn to get somewhere I'm going, it's not allowed ... quite often for no discernable reason! Cara's been showing off her Navman GPS navigation system since she arrived in town; last night, I could have REALLY used it!

I collected the tickets with time to spare, had a highly unsatisfying meal of sweet and sour pork that had been sitting under a heating lamp all day, and waited for the rest of the crew to show. Organiser Ben had to drop out in order to do stocktake, and Carol soon followed, citing a family dinner she needed to attend, so our squad consisted of me, Li-Kim, Sarah Imax (whom I actually called Sarah Imax in conversation ... not that she had an issue with it, having nearly called me Estoban when introducing me to someone) and Li-Kim's friend Rachel, whom I've met only a handful of times but seems quite cool.

We got in line, took our seats, and waited. An awkward MC introduced the show, it was lights down and away we went.

The show's very good. At first I wasn't digging the first-person narration, as it felt it was telling us stuff it should instead be showing us, but it helps give an insight into the character's unique worldview (given that he's a serial killer who hunts and kills other serial killers, while also working as a forensic blood specialist for the police, he certainly has a very individual point-of-view). The first episode ended and before the second started there was a Q & A with none other than Dexter / David Fischer himself, Michael C Hall.

It was strange after so many years of seeing him play such a pent-up character as David to be confronted with the real guy; very laid-back, somewhat sarcastic, slightly Gen X slacker type. The Q & A was quite good, as far as Q & As go. The degree for social awkwardness in these situations is very high, but for the most part the questions were intelligent and the answers insightful, so it was well worth it.

Given the propensity towards Internet downloading these days, most people left when Michael C Hall did, before the second episode started. One of those guys was the Super Noird sitting next to me.

I feel a certain kinship with nerds / geeks / what have you, what with being one and all. That kinship even extends as far as the sweaty, anxious Super Noirds, such as the gentleman sitting next to me, with his buttoned-up, ill-fitting white business shirt, severly-gelled hair and fretful energy. I look on the Super Noirds as if staring into a mirror darkly, seeing all my anxieties about myself reflected back at me, and I must admit I did as much with this guy.

And believe me, being fair-haired and bespectled, there's a lot of these doppelgangers walking about! Many of you know me as referring to them as 'the Army of Steve', these strange creatures with their poor eyesight and their pale skin. I like to think of them that way as, given their numbers, it feels like it would be a simple thing to rally them to a cause and harness their insecurity with the world into a potent fighting force, one with which I could surely conquer all enemies!

... if we weren't all foiled by a collective asthma attack.

In any case, the evening was quite enjoyable, and I was back in time to watch one of the shows that only I seem to be a fan of; the American remake of The Office. It's good, people, just give it a chance!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Life. Updated.

It’s a veeeery slooooow day at work today. The majority of the office is either in Sydney for the regular monthly meeting or are off “sick”. I’ve organised event stock up to a month in advance (the usual lead time is two weeks) and I’ve posted out all the mail in our out-trays.

Next week will no doubt be busy, as one of the monthly Big Jobs will be needing doing, but until then it’s all quiet on the western front. Hence all the blogging.

Having posted music videos, comedy sketches and political rants, I figured I’d round things out (and make the parentals happy) by giving a Life Update!

(if I had a Life Update theme tune [or “sting” as they call them in the radio biz] I’d be playing that right now).

- Job’s going well.

- There might be good news on the manuscript front. Cross your fingers for me and stay tuned.

- Cara’s staying at our place at the moment, having moved down from Queensland and now in the middle of house-hunting. I don’t know if I’ve bored her to death with Japanese-game-shows-I-like-to-watch-on-cable yet, but no doubt her demise will be any day now!

- I’m going to Derby Day. This would usually get its own post (and might very well yet) but I can’t be bothered right now. So let it be said I’m off to see the ponies run (I’m going to be in a marquee! For free!) and have that be that.

- Anxiously awaiting the arrival of two new shirts from Threadless.

- Thinking of heading back to Brisbane for Christmas. Will see if it’s possible.

- I like ham.

- I’ve been browsing laptops, and there’s an HP I really like the specs of … but its mouse is shitty! Is it something I can adapt to, or would it drive me berserk? Do I go with an inferior machine based on mouse-control? Do I pay more and go with a superior machine, once again based on mouse-control? Oh, the dilemma!

- Cheese is quite good, too.

- Rome took over from The Sopranos as my going-to-bed DVD series to watch. It started slow but built up beautifully. I can only hope the wait for season two isn’t too long! I now go back to Angel season 5, which was my original Sopranos replacement, but I didn’t get too far into having already seen it on TV.

- I don’t like Kanye West much, but hot damn if Stronger isn’t a fun song! But how much of that do we attribute to Daft Punk? Hmmm.

Eh. I think that’s enough now. I grow weary of this navel-gazing. Bring me a fatted calf, so that I might sup on its flesh!

Hoo yeah!

Too Many Magic-Based Puns to Choose From!

Yes, Dumbledore has been outed by JK Rowling as having been in love with his arch-rival Grindlewald. Credit to Sarah, she called it whilst reading Deathly Hallows (goes to show you there's some legitimacy to homoerotic sub-text, eh, Pree?).

Of course, people are losing their shit over it, proving once again how homophobia is, as Christopher J Priest put it, the last safe bigotry.

This leads into my utter disappointment with Kevin Rudd's position on gay marriage. Kevin, I had such high hopes for you! When you were Shadow Foreign Minister, you spoke with such eloquence and intelligence, such insight and sensitivity. But now you're doing absolutely everything you can to insure you gain victory against Howard and his cronies you're slowly but surely transforming into them. It's not a pretty sight.

I can't think of any objection to homosexuality and the recognition of gay marriage that isn't founded in a religious viewpoint (other than one that stems from simple gay panic). Certainly, we're not guaranteed a seperation of church and state in our constitution (as far as I'm aware. Maybe I'm confusing it for freedom of speech), but I don't see the legitimacy in allowing religious dogma to motivate political policy.

To quote from the previously mentioned Priest article (who is himself a Christian minister);

"I presume this to be a mystery, if not exactly a paradox, that God condemns homosexuality while, at the same time, creating homosexuals. To suggest someone can be born into an inescapable sin is to deny the power of the cross. To suggest that a person must war against their own nature and embrace shame and scorn just to make it into heaven and be embraced by a loving God is paralyzingly stupid. In that context, making criminals of homosexuals seems wrongheaded."

Beyond religion, is there any kind of legitimate argument for legislating against the homosexual community? Is it 'the protection of the family'? I didn't realise 'the family' was such a fragile constitution it could be so easily destroyed. Is it because 'next thing you know people will be marrying dogs! Or kids!!" My response to that? What heinously stupid bullshit! I mean, there's no arguing against that kind of sheer idiocy, other than "Shut up, dumb face"!

To stand against gay marriage strikes me as being just the same as those who outlawed interracial marriage in decades past. We can only hope that, in time to come, homophobia is seen as being just as virulent as the racist mentality behind that out-dated law.

Huh. I didn't expect to start off discussing Dumbledore and end up on politics and religion. But there you have it.

Take Note, Ben

Tony Martin as a typical Australian movie producer from The Late Show.

Brought To You By Considerate Cowboy Records

I enjoyed doing the top 5 songs thing with YouTube links, so I figured I’d do something along the same lines with songs I quite like at the moment (though a couple I've liked for a good long while now and just felt like posting). That’s it. Nothing exciting. Turn off now if this bores you.

Daydreamin’ – Lupe Fiasco fting. Jill Scott

An intelligent, insightful hip-hop artist with a great deal of artistic and personal integrity. Features a great sample and guest vocals, and actually has something important to say. Hip hop’s been stagnating for too long with hyper-masculine posturing, misogynistic overtones and a complete over-emphasis on material concerns. Watch as Lupe critically evaluates all that and does it to a catchy tune!

Konichiwa Bitches – Robyn

Another hip hop tune that subverts the dominant paradigm and is damn catchy to boot!

Comfortably Numb – Roger Waters and Van Morrison [Live]

I’ve been obsessed with this one ever since it was used in the trailer for The Departed. An excellent rendition of an excellent song.

I’ll Kill Her – Soko [Live]

A light pop tune dealing with some dark heartbreak. That’s funtastic!

Blue - Yoko Kanno & the Seatbelts [Live]

This video is from the concert that Yoko Kanno & the Seatbelts played where they performed their music from Cowboy Bebop. This song, Blue, is the track that the series ends on, and it’s quite a beautiful one (especially when heard in context). It’s a little difficult to make out because of the poor sound quality, but I think it still works. And if it tickles your fancy, there’s a TONNE of Bebop clips on YouTube, all written and performed by Yoko Kanno & the Seatbelts.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hello, My God. This is Steve Singing.

Does anyone else remember this faith-based community service clip from the '80s?

I found it quite coincidentally today on after mentioning it to a few different people over the past few months. God bless You Tube! Literally!

I want to know what the deal with the water on the window is. It seems it's supposed to be rain, but it looks like the kid's mother is just keeping him inside by spraying the hose on the glass.

Of course, I'm more familiar with this version, featuring what appears to be an autistic home-school child;

These cunningly flashy community service announcements no doubt lured many unsuspecting children into the folds of organised faith during that madcap decade of mullets and multi-coloured skivvies.

Nostalgia. Bottled.

A Celebrity Is Me!

Well, it happened! My email made it into the Get This podcast (no. 140)! You can listen to it here. It’s even listed in the podcast contents on the menu as ‘Engorged Man-Brute’. How proud I am!

I’m unsure now what to do with my newfound celebrity status. Do I lord it over pensioners? Do I use it to bend people to my will? Do I extract sweets from the lolly shop man?

My vote is … yes. Yes I do.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Can I Add This To My Rèsumè?

You may remember the post I made about Tony Martin's Get This show on Triple M getting the chop (you very well should, given that it was, what, yesterday??).

Anyway, when they announced it on-air, my immediate response was to go to their website to see if there were any details about it. Unfortunately there wasn't, but there was a form by which you could email the team ... which I promptly did.

Cut to today, with me merrily going about my business as I listened to Get This on my headphones ... when they start reading out my email!!! Out of the (reportedly) hundreds of emails they've received, Tony read mine out on air, with that whimsical lilt he has whenever he recites listener feedback.

I was, of course, extremely thrilled. To be honest, I felt I'd had a pretty good shot at getting it on-air, as my email not only made reference to the show's pet subject of up-skirting, but it also referred to co-host Ed Kavalee as "a giant", "a parade float" and an "engorged man-brute". Little did I know that Ed's giant-like proportions would be a running joke throughout the rest of the episode! Fingers crossed that it gets referenced in future installments ... and fingers double-crossed that my email makes it into the Podcast! (Which, if it does, you can be sure I'll add a link to, and will hold prized position on both my hard drive AND my iRiver!).

In Get This-related news, it seems I'm not the only one upset with the show's cancellation. The following is from celebrity snark blog;

A surprising development in the world of radio today, with news Austereo has decided to give Tony Martin's Triple M program the boot.

Tony Martin's nationally networked radio show has been axed, despite being one of the top rating programs on struggling station Triple M.
The comedian's Get This program has been a successful annoyance for the Austereo network, which shifted its timeslot three times in just over 18 months.
In a pattern repeated across the country, figures jumped from about 5 per cent audience share to about 11 per cent during the two-hour program, when it aired from 11am. They fell back to near 6 per cent when the station returned to music.

Given, as it says above, that the show is a ratings winner, it does seem an odd decision.

Ratings are not everything, of course, but the program is also highly respected by those in "the industry", with more than a few radio stars and producers declaring to Defamer Australia over the past few months that it is one of the best quality radio shows on air in the country. The general opinion amongst Martin's radio peers this morning regarding Austereo's axing of Get This seems to be a mix of "What the fuck?" and "IDIOTS!".

The Herald Sun's Confidential column reported this morning -

It's believed that the signing of comedian Peter Helliar and Triple J's Myf Warhurst as part of a national breakfast restructure has seen costs rocket, which has led to the station letting Martin go. Some sources said Helliar's yearly salary could be as high as $1 million.

They really are taking quite the punt on the Helliar/Warhurst combination, aren't they? We suppose time will tell if this is as daft a move as it seems. What do we know? Kyle and Jackie O just won Best On-Air Team at the Australian Commercial Radio Awards, and listening to them makes us want to stab our eyes out with broken pieces of Tamara Jaber's Ooh Ahh CD single case, so we obviously don't have our finger on the pulse of what makes good radio.

All of this was interesting to me for 3 reasons -

1) Myf Warhurst is jumping over to Triple M? Triple M??? To do a show with Peter Helliar?? Have I gone mad? Myf's been on Triple J for at least a decade now, so I can understand her wanting to stretch her wings a bit, but Triple M??? They must be paying her an awful lot to put up with that shitty station list they have.

2) I'm pretty much the only one I know who actually listens to Get This, so to see such a shining write-up about it was very validating. That's how sad I am.

3) Kyle Sandilands and Jackie-O won an award for that piece of crap show of theirs? I've listened to that thing ... all it consists of is hysterically-annoying Jackie-O listing all the ways that monolithically-annoying Kyle is horribly abusive to all their staff, and his nasally assertions that he doesn't care if he is. I really have gone mad if that's worth some kind of award!

With my ranting over, I'll retreat back to my box, and will no doubt pop back up again should it turn out my Get This missive has been archived for any and all to listen to. Watch for the link!

Monday, October 15, 2007

This Is What You Do With Your Time??

What did my weekend consist of, you might be wondering. Or not. In any case, I'm going to tell you.

I was minding my own business Friday night at 1.30 am when my bedroom door swung up and a very drunk Luke was standing there grinning at me. Seems Luke had been drinking it up with his new work colleagues and needed a place to crash before his audition the next day. While he was here, he imparted two piece of information to me that I found highly interesting;

1) He's gotten a role in Band of Brothers: The Pacific. I don't know if I'm allowed to say too much about it, but let's all be proud of him - and not at all bitter - that he can now say he's been in a Spielberg/Hanks production.

2) He auditioned for Justice League!!! I kind of had a hunch this might happen when I heard they were auditioning people in Sydney, so I thought I'd ask Luke about it ... and yes, he has indeed done a reading. You can be guaranteed that if he gets cast in it, no matter how big or small his part, I'll be asking him every day if I can come visit him on the set.

The next day, Luke wasn't feeling up to going to his audition, so he re-scheduled it and we hung out watching Cowboy Bebop and eating burgers. Needing to go home, Luke planned on catching a train back, but I figured I could use a drive and elected to take him all the way back to Frankston. After realising neither of us knew how to get there, we consulted the Melways and were on our way.

If you were looking to shoot a film set in the '80s, I'd highly recommend you scout Frankston for locations. It looks like they got to about 1987 and decided to stop letting new shops set up business.

But besides fantastic PD, they've also got a fantastic view. This is the lookout that's just around the corner from Luke's house (I actually found this photo on Google);

That was the sight that greeted me as I drove back after dropping Luke off at his parent's new place. Ashley was there too, recuperating for the week after having gotten her wisdom teeth out.

Anyway, I came back home and ... well ... stuff happened that I'm not supposed to talk about ...

Sunday was pretty much spent quietly enjoying the day.

And now you're all caught up. Riveting stuff, eh?