I mean, really, can they be serious?
Yes. Deadly.
This is the entire reason Palin was added to the ticket. It started with Obama adding an old guy as his running mate to counter-balance the revolutionary aspect of a potential black President. Anything else would have been too risky.
And the Republicans, cunning and uncanny as they are, realised that another old white guy would do nothing for them. And boy howdy, did they make the right decision.
Palin's incredibly limited degree of experience means nothing to them, which is highly ironic after all the noise they made about Obama's relatively short history in politics. Of course it means nothing. Because she's now doing for them exactly what they need her to. She's a weapon. A smokescreen tactic.
Instead of talking about legitimate issues, we're forced to go through bullshit story after bullshit story about whether or not a remark about the economy, which was completely unrelated to Palin, which is a common turn-of-phrase that McCain himself has used, was directed as a sexist attack at the Alaskan governor.
Seriously? Seriously?? Of course seriously. Because once the media gets a hold of this and blows it completely out of proportion, once Republicans go on the offensive and bring it back to their one talking point over and over again, it's this kind of comment that the loss of an election can be attributed to.
Is humanity really that stupid, to be manipulated so brazenly and so guilelessly? Yes. Time and time again, history has shown us how ready, willing and able we are to be veered off-topic, to be distracted and placated, to be given bread and circuses. In short, the whole thing is nothing more than an elaborate pantomime.
Here's to hoping Obama can get beyond all this, not fall into anymore ridiculous traps (I swear, it's like the Republicans were waiting for any kind of vaguely female-related terms to escape his mouth so they could seize upon it and twist them to their own purposes) and we can have a genuine, focused dialogue about the kind of direction we want the world to go in.
Not that the rest of the world gets a say in it or anything...