Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dancing in the Dark
So I'm home alone, in the middle of making dinner with Futurama on the TV and clothes in the washing machine, when suddenly BAM, the power goes out!
We're not very emergency-minded here in the ol' Henry house, so we don't really have any easily accessible torches or disaster candles or whatever. Luckily for me, however, Ben had recently decided to romantic up the living room a bit, so there were tea lights aplenty. I use my mobile to find the matches and the candles and pretty soon I'm soft-lit in catastrophe wonderland.
Given that the oven is gas-powered, that meant I could finish making the pizza I was putting together for dinner. I slid that in the oven and went about finding ways of occupying myself. There wasn't enough candle light to read, and there was no one to talk to, so I immediately started text messaging.
There were no power outtages where Simone was, Ben was in the city so there was power aplenty, and Li-Kim was busy making date muffins down the other end of the street (but not before reminding me that the last time we had a blackout it was because a possum had fried itself on one of the local transformers - just tried to find this on either Ben or Li-Kim's blogs, and came up empty. Damn!).
The pizza heated up pretty quickly, and after I ate it I was once again left with nothing to do. Remembering that my iRiver was fully charged, I ventured into my bedroom, candles in hand, to find it.
It's not too long before I have the perfect set-up - caramello chocolate, bottle of water, soft candelight and my iRiver playing blackout appropriate tunes, tucked up in bed with brand new flanelet sheets (!). It was almost disappointing when the lights finally came back on.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Happy Birthday, Dad!
I Have Been a Bad Blogger.
There's no denying it. All I can say is I've been very busy and let's agree to leave it at that.
No, there's no use singing Cat's in the Cradle at me, it won't work! I won't feel guilty! I refuse!
When am I coming home? I don't know when! We'll get together then, though, I know we'll have a good time then.